
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries

Representation ID: 60740

Received: 12/01/2014

Respondent: Mrs Sandra Tyler

Representation Summary:

I object to the preferred option l, because the allotments are enjoyed by all ages and gender of the community irrespective of their background or income. It is a well established site which benefits village people, and keeps the community spirit intact. It also supports local wildlife and also local dog walkers. Allotments are a health benefit to all involved, keeping village people fit and active. Allotments allow the younger generation to take part in a village amenity educating them as to the benefits of fresh natural food.

Full text:

I object to the preferred option l, because the allotments are enjoyed by all ages and gender of the community irrespective of their background or income. It is a well established site which benefits village people, and keeps the community spirit intact. It also supports local wildlife and also local dog walkers. Allotments are a health benefit to all involved, keeping village people fit and active. Allotments allow the younger generation to take part in a village amenity educating them as to the benefits of fresh natural food.