
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 45207

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: P E Judson

Representation Summary:

Having been flooded in the 2007 floods, I am very concerned about the effect this proposal will have on the drainage system in the village. Building on this site will affect the surface water run-off, creating more pressure on the drainage system.
I am also very concerned about the increase of traffic. The area is already a black spot for accidents. The pressure to this junction will be doubled on school runs and peak times.
If we lose the greenbelt around the village, we lose wildlife and a village way of life will be lost.

Full text:

Having been flooded in the 2007 floods, I am very concerned about the effect this proposal will have on the drainage system in the village. This system was unable to take the amount of water that evening. As yet nothing has been done to prevent any further flooding and building on this site will affect the surface water runoff, creating more pressure on the drainage system
I am also very concerned about the increase of traffic onto the Offchurch, Windmill Hill Roads and junctions. This is already a black spot for accidents. The pressure to this junction will be doubled on school runs and peak times.
I moved to Cubbington so that I could enjoy my retirement in a rural village community. If we lose the greenbelt around the village, we lose wildlife, trees and wildflowers, public footpaths and a village way of life will be lost for future generations forever. Please reconsider your proposal.