
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 45189

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: R.F. Garner

Representation Summary:


Full text:

It seems to me that the new proposals suffer from some of the same disadvantages as the preferred options, though perhaps to a lesser degree. In particular, I still feel strongly that maximum use of brownfield land should be a paramount criterion and that development should be spread more widely across the district. I have reservations about the overall number of houses being allegedly necessary.
I have had the opportunity to study the Alternative Option developed by Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council which I understand is supported by Whitnash, Barford and Budbrook. I believe this to be a well thought through alternative which deals with a number of the issues which concern myself and other local residents. I fully support it and would hope that you study it in detail as part of the current consultation.
In summary therefore:
I object to the alternative proposals in the form put forward by the developers, except for the proposal for Kenilworth Gardens and Woodside Training Centre which use previously developed land.
I fully support the Alternative Option proposed by Bishop Tachbrook Parish Council.