
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 45156

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs P Frazier

Representation Summary:

- I do not support the development proposal at Glebe Farm, Cubbington, but I would comment that development of the north-western corner adjacent to Cubbington would be acceptable.

Full text:

I think that more should be done to incorporate brown-field or previously developed land before building on green fields. I also think that more should be done to disperse the development through the District rather than burdening the infrastructure in just one place. For those reasons, I express the following:
- I support the development proposal for Kenilworth Wardens and Woodside Training Centre, Kenilworth. This seems a sensible extension to the site at Thickthorn upon previously-developed land.
- I do not support the development proposal for South of Sydenham, but I would comment that the development north of the bridleway to Radford Semele would be acceptable.
- I do not support the development proposal at Glebe Farm, Cubbington, but I would comment that development of the north-western corner adjacent to Cubbington would be acceptable.
- I do not support the development proposal at Loes Farm (north Warwick), but I would comment that a small development close to the Saxon Mill would be acceptable.
- I do not support the development proposal for Hurst Farm, Burton Green, but I would comment that a small extension of the University of Warwick would be acceptable.
- I do not support the development of all the land around Baginton Airport, but I would comment that development of the large brown-field site south of the airport would be acceptable.
I have read the 'Alternative Option' from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council. I commend it to you for study before you publish your final 'Core Strategy'