
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44997

Received: 09/07/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs R.C. Milton

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

We do not nee the amount of houses and to link up with Lillington, and so on to Leamington Spa.

Have you thought of the traffic, road and the upset to the village and the shops, school and it goes on and on.

We as the old Cubbington villagers do not want to see the end of village life.

Full text:

We do not nee the amount of houses and to link up with Lillington, and so on to Leamington Spa.

Have you thought of the traffic, road and the upset to the village and the shops, school and it goes on and on.

We as the old Cubbington villagers do not want to see the end of village life.