
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44995

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Muriel Vickers

Representation Summary:

I object to the plans to develop the greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington. Cubbington maintains its village way of life, which I'm sure would be lost if we joined with Lillington. Also the roads are very busy with today's traffic without adding more.
I enjoy walking over the fields, blackberrying and a friendly short cut to the Rugby Tavern and shops, please don't spoil this for Cubbington.

Full text:

I object to the plans to develop the greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington. Cubbington maintains its village way of life, which I'm sure would be lost if we joined with Lillington. Also the roads are very busy with today's traffic without adding more.
I enjoy walking over the fields, blackberrying and a friendly short cut to the Rugby Tavern and shops, please don't spoil this for Cubbington.