
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44991

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Edward Charles Coggins

Representation Summary:

1. The greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected otherwise Leamington will sprawl outwards and village life will be destroyed.
2. Once you build on this greenbelt there will be no reason not to build on more land
3. There is bad flooding already in Cubbington, putting more tarmac on can only make the flooding worse.
4. The existing road network is already very busy. It cannot support all these extra houses. There are already many accidents at the top of Windmill Hill and crossing Rugby Road to the shops is difficult and dangerous
5. There will be too much pressure on local schools and doctors.

Full text:

I object most strongly:
1. The greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected otherwise Leamington will sprawl outwards and village life will be destroyed.
2. Once you build on this greenbelt there will be no reason not to build on more land - for example around the Thwaites factory.
3. There is bad flooding already in Cubbington, putting more tarmac on the hillside above these areas can only make the flooding worse.
4. The existing road network is already very busy. It cannot support all these extra houses. There are already many accidents at the top of Windmill Hill and crossing Rugby Road to the shops is difficult and dangerous
5. There will be too much pressure on local schools and doctors.