
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44986

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Amanda Watts

Representation Summary:

Object strongly. Increase in traffic will cause more accidents and produce more pollution. Doctors' surgeries are already full to capacity. There is insufficient parking for shops in Queen Street and opposite the Rugby Tavern to cater for huge additional numbers of residents. Also existing schools could not cater for them. The footpath across the fields is used heavily and wildlife must be protected.

Full text:

Object strongly. Increase in traffic will cause more accidents and produce more pollution. Doctors' surgeries are already full to capacity. There is insufficient parking for shops in Queen Street and opposite the Rugby Tavern to cater for huge additional numbers of residents. Also existing schools could not cater for them. The footpath across the fields is used heavily and wildlife must be protected.