
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44983

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Annette Peake

Representation Summary:

- Erosion of greenbelt - unacceptable
- Destruction of the environment - tragic
- Real threat of flooding
- Unacceptable increase in traffic.
- Pressure on local schools and doctors
- This proposal poses an unacceptable level of disruption to the area, which is not adequate to cope with such an influx of new users.
- Loss of fertile land, regularly farmed
- Outstanding, beautiful are that supports all manner of wildlife. This must be preserved for future generations of Cubbington and Lillington residents. It would be a tragedy to let this proposal go ahead.
- We don't want to lose our village!

Full text:

- Erosion of greenbelt - unacceptable, totally
- Threat to wildlife - destruction of its environment - tragic
- Real threat of flooding - already a problem, remember 2007
- Unacceptable increase in traffic. Windmill Hill/ Rugby Road already an accident black spot. Already deaths on Rugby Road - very heavy traffic makes trying to cross at present very dangerous at peak times: Saturday a.m. shoppers going to town - a case of 'the quick and the dead'!
- Pressure on local schools
- Pressure on local doctors surgery
- This proposal poses an unacceptable level of disruption to the areas of Cubbington and Lillington, an area with rural roads which are not adequate to cope with such an influx of new users; being already congested with existing traffic levels they are just not suitable.
- Loss of fertile land, regularly farmed
- Outstanding, beautiful are that supports all manner of birds, natural wildlife, plants and trees. This must be preserved for future generations of Cubbington and Lillington residents. It would be a tragedy to let this proposal go ahead.
- We don't want to lose our village!