
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44980

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Janet Statham

Representation Summary:

I do not feel the village of Cubbington can support the influx of extra people. We have enough parking problems at the shops and schools at the present, and the extra traffic, the roads are only village roads and cannot support this. Also the schools couldn't take the extra influx of children. Apart from this the development would spoil some of the greenbelt land.

Full text:

I do not feel the village of Cubbington can support the influx of extra people. We have enough parking problems at the shops and schools at the present, and the extra traffic, the roads are only village roads and cannot support this. Also the schools couldn't take the extra influx of children. Apart from this the development would spoil some of the greenbelt land.