
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44977

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Evelyn Casey

Representation Summary:

1. Increase traffic on Cubbington Road and Rugby Road
2. More congestion at Windmill Hill, Rugby Road, Kenilworth Road roundabout which is already an accident hot spot.
3. Loss of well used public footpaths
4. Cubbington is a village with a local thriving community and no wish to be joined onto Lillington.

Full text:

1. Increase traffic on Cubbington Road and Rugby Road
2. More congestion at Windmill Hill, Rugby Road, Kenilworth Road roundabout which is already an accident hot spot.
3. Loss of well used public footpaths
4. Cubbington is a village with a local thriving community and no wish to be joined onto Lillington.