
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44975

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Maureen & David Townsend

Representation Summary:

Please keep the green spaces round our towns. We need our breathing spaces. Cubbington and Offchurch must be kept separate from Lillington. This is good agricultural land. More houses will need wider loads, bigger roundabouts, more traffic. It may well cause more flooding in Cubbington Village. There will be more accidents in the narrow lands around Offchurch.

Full text:

Please keep the green spaces round our towns. We need our breathing spaces. Cubbington and Offchurch must be kept separate from Lillington. This is good agricultural land. More houses will need wider loads, bigger roundabouts, more traffic. It may well cause more flooding in Cubbington Village. There will be more accidents in the narrow lands around Offchurch.