
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44974

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs C A Parker

Representation Summary:

Everyone I have spoken to is extremely concerned that village life as we know it will quite possibly disappear. This is totally unacceptable! Apart from this, there is enormous concern about building on an area which is prone to severe flooding. There is currently a lack of doctors; schools etc in this area and the increase in traffic would be huge. The impact on flora and fauna would be devastating and the entire plan fills me and many others with horror.

Full text:

Everyone I have spoken to is extremely concerned that village life as we know it will quite possibly disappear. This is totally unacceptable! Apart from this, there is enormous concern about building on an area which is prone to severe flooding. There is currently a lack of doctors; schools etc in this area and the increase in traffic would be huge. The impact on flora and fauna would be devastating and the entire plan fills me and many others with horror.