
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44970

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: Roger Beard

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington would be connected to Lillington creating one large urban sprawl.
2. The existing road system could not handle the increase in traffic and would increase the already overcrowded roads in the area.
3. Cubbington village already suffers very bad flooding problems. This could only be made worse, by the lack of drainage currently existing by new development.
4. Building on greenbelt should not take place. The Planning Department/ Council have in the past, avoided joining Sydenham to Radford Semele for all the same reasons that would affect Cubbington.
5. Detrimental effect on wildlife.
6. Lack of infrastructure to support this development i.e. schools, doctors, work.
7. Loss of Cubbington village identity.

Full text:

1. Cubbington would be connected to Lillington - Lillington in turn to Leamington; creating one large urban sprawl.
2. The existing road system could not handle the increase in traffic and would increase the already overcrowded roads in the area.
3. Cubbington village already suffers very bad flooding problems. This could only be made worse, by the lack of drainage currently existing by new development.
4. Building on greenbelt should not take place. The Planning Department/ Council have in the past, avoided joining Sydenham to Radford Semele for all the same reasons that would affect Cubbington.
5. Detrimental effect on wildlife.
6. Lack of infrastructure to support this development i.e. schools, doctors, work.
7. Loss of Cubbington village identity.