
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44425

Received: 04/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Margaret Winbush

Representation Summary:

I have noticed since the New houses have been built that we have far more water in the field now. Before it was minimal, because there was a grass area. New St and Ladycroft have experienced terrible flooding in recent years. It will not be a village any more if this scheme goes ahead. I strongly object . I remember where Ladycroft is now as a playing field and look what's happened since houses have been built !! There has always been flooding at Offchurch as well for many years.

Full text:

I have lived in Cubbington all my life born at 2 Church Terrace, Cubbington. My comments are brief, where I live now, opposite a playing field I have noticed since the New houses have been built that we have far more water in the field now. Before it was minimal, because the water where the Waterworks are was a grass area and soaked up a lot of water. I am telling you this as an example. Also I know lots of the people living in New St and Ladycroft and as you are aware, they have experienced terrible flooding in recent years. Hence the objection to having hundreds of more houses being built on land which is subject to this. It will not be a village any more if this scheme goes ahead. It seems that no land is sacred these days from 'building' suggestions. I strongly object to this scheme. I remember where Ladycroft is now as a playing field and look what's happened since houses etc have been built in that area!! There has always been flooding at Offchurch as well for many years.