
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44412

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: John Thornley

Representation Summary:

This development must not be allowed to happen. The proposed site has very undulating ground, heavy clay soil which soaks up excess water. If put under concrete water will have nowhere to go but down into Offchurch Road, Ladycroft etc and this would add to the fear of extra flooding. The traffic would be a problem its very busy now on Offchurch road when Thwaites staff use it morning and night. We haven't the schools or doctors to cope.

We would lose our village identity and greenbelt and be joined to Lillington.

Full text:

This development must not be allowed to happen. The proposed site has very undulating ground, heavy clay soil which soaks up excess water. If put under concrete water will have nowhere to go but down into Offchurch Road, Ladycroft etc and this would add to the fear of extra flooding. The traffic would be a problem its very busy now on Offchurch road when Thwaites staff use it morning and night. We haven't the schools or doctors to cope.

We would lose our village identity and greenbelt and be joined to Lillington.