
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44407

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Jennifer McDermott

Representation Summary:

I object on the grounds of:

Too much traffic in Parklands Avenue if development goes ahead.

Wildlife on the farm will be interfered with.

Too many extra children and not enough schools in the area.

Cubbington and Lillington will lose its village identity.

Most large stores like supermarkets are on the south side of town so there will be an increase of traffic through the North side of the town.

Full text:

I object on the grounds of:

Too much traffic in Parklands Avenue if development goes ahead.

Wildlife on the farm will be interfered with.

Too many extra children and not enough schools in the area.

Cubbington and Lillington will lose its village identity.

Most large stores like supermarkets are on the south side of town so there will be an increase of traffic through the North side of the town.