
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44402

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Jennifer McCabe

Representation Summary:

Having been badly flooded ay my home; I am VERY concerned about building on the above land.

Drainage/ water pipes are not adequate for the area as it is.

I anticipate there will be more traffic in the area, rush hour times are already difficult especially around the Windmill Hill area.

There will be an extra semand on schools and doctors.

A need for better public transport.

A threat to village life, lose its identity.

Loss of greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington.

The surrounding countryside is popular and people come to walk here and enjoy the unspoilt beauty.

Full text:

Having been badly flooded ay my home (I had to move out whilst repairs were carried out), I am VERY concerned about building on the above land. The heavy clay soil will cause problems and probable flooding.

Drainage/ water pipes still need updating, they are not adequate for the village and surroundings - they are already on overload since new houses built.

I anticipate there will be more traffic in the area, rush hour times are already difficult especially around the Windmill Hill area. The roundabout has accidents there.

Also school traffic is heavy at the beginning/ end of the day with children crossing and the parking for parents is already congested.

There will probably be a need for extra school places at both village schools.

An extra demand on doctor's surgery on Cubbington Road - already overloaded.

A need for better public transport.

A threat to village life, lose its identity - Cubbington would become more of an estate, Cubbington and Leamington are two separate communities.

Loss of greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington.

Threat to local wildlife and countryside footpaths. The surrounding countryside is very popular and people come to walk here and enjoy the unspoilt beauty.