
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44371

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Sue Scott

Representation Summary:

The development of Glebe Farm would put a huge strain on resources such as schools and services. The traffic flow up Windmill Hill would be horrendous. The risk of flooding would increase dramatically once the land is built on and this is already a big problem in Cubbington. Cubbington is a village and should be preserved as such and the land between Cubbington and Lillington is well used in its current format. We need to preserve the countryside and NOT build more housing.

Full text:

The development of Glebe Farm would put a huge strain on resources such as schools and services. The traffic flow up Windmill Hill would be horrendous. The risk of flooding would increase dramatically once the land is built on and this is already a big problem in Cubbington. Cubbington is a village and should be preserved as such and the land between Cubbington and Lillington is well used in its current format. We need to preserve the countryside and NOT build more housing.