
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44370

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Kerrie McCann

Representation Summary:

I am concerned for the long term risk to my home of flooding. 2007 flood due to poorly maintained flood defences and the incapacity of the land to take the quantity of rain. Development will only worsen this situation.

There are other non-greenbelt sites which should be considered first. The wildlife and the 'breathing space' would be lost.

Cubbington is a distinct community. Development would put considerable strain on already stretched and problematic infrastructure.

Risk of continued sprawl

Development would significantly increase cross town traffic, all major facilities are to the south.

Full text:

I object to this proposed development on the following grounds:
Flood risk.
As a New Street resident I am concerned for the long term risk to my home of flooding. The June 2007 flood resulted in over 3ft of water outside my home in New Street and 1ft of flood water in my house. The result was I, and my family, lost many of our possessions and had to be evacuated for 6 months. This flood was the result of not only poorly maintained flood defenses but also the incapacity of the land to take the quantity of rain that fell. Thousands of new houses and the resultant concreting over of fields will only worsen this situation. The soil on those fields is heavy clay already causing the surface run-off to flood properties on the boundary of the site.
Protecting our green space/belt.
Protecting this area of green belt should be a priority. There are other non-green belt designated sites which should be considered in advance of Glebe Farm.
The wildlife that lives in this setting would be lost as well as the 'breathing space' that is enjoyed by so many.
Protecting village living
Cubbington Village is a distinct and separate community, enjoying access to countryside walks. The addition of thousands of new houses would put considerable strain on already stretched and problematic road networks (at peak times).
Risk of continued sprawl
Development of the Glebe Farm area could potentially open up further development leading to sprawl beyond the Thwaites site. Adding further to traffic congestion, loosing wildlife and increasing flooding risk.
Traffic congestion
Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic, all major food retailers and employment is based south of the town. Not only with the north Leamington roads be significantly more congested but the already creaking river crossings would be detrimentally impacted.