
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44359

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Philip & Sherrie Owen

Representation Summary:

Cubbington Village is at continuous risk of flooding and no steps have been taken to alleviate this since the 2007 floods. Drainage for existing houses is already inadequate.

Traffic is already heavy at certain times, and some junctions are notorious for accidents.

The loss of habitat would have a devastating effect on wildlife.

The distinct character and sense of community would be lost as Cubbington would become part of an amorphous urban sprawl.

If the proposal were to go ahead, there would undoubtedly be pressure for further development, and the problems would be further exacerbated.

The value of property would plummet.

Full text:

We strongly oppose the proposed development of the greenbelt between Lillington and Cubbington for the following reasons:

Cubbington Village is at continuous risk of flooding and no practical steps have been taken to alleviate this since the serious floods of 2007. Drainage for existing houses is already inadequate and further building would make the problem considerably worse.

Traffic on the Welsh Road and Windmill Hill is already heavy at certain times of the day, and the roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is notorious for accidents. The increased traffic the new development would bring would increase the hazards, as well as making life intolerable for all Cubbington residents.

The Proposal is self evidently environmentally unsound. The loss of habitat would have a devastating effect on wildlife.

Cubbington is a village with a distinctive character and a strong sense of community. This would be lost with the new development and the village would become part of an amorphous urban sprawl.

If the proposal were to go ahead, there would undoubtedly be pressure for further development, and the problems would be further exacerbated.

The value of property in Cubbington, already decreased considerably since the floods, would plummet still further, with no compensation for residents.

Incidentally, why are we not told who owns the land in question? Are they ashamed of what is proposed? Do they not care about the welfare and quality of life of residents of Cubbington and Lillington?