
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44358

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: N W Seaton

Representation Summary:

Cubbington which at present is a very pleasant village to live will become part of another sprawling housing estate covering a substantial greenbelt area. To build on open land would exacerbate the danger of flooding in the village. There will be an enormous increase in traffic using certain roads, which are already the scenes of considerable hold ups and accidents.

Full text:

To allow the development of Glebe farm would mean that Cubbington which at present is a very pleasant village to live in would be gained to Leamington Spa and will become part of another sprawling housing estate covering a substantial greenbelt area. To build on what is at present open land would exacerbate the danger of flooding in the village. The present position in this regard is bad enough as we have seen in the past two years without adding to it. Another problem would be the enormous increase in traffic using the Leftchurch Road, Windmill Hill and Rugby Road. The small roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill/ Rugby Road is already the scene of considerable hold ups and in the event of this scheme coming in there is no doubt that serious traffic jams would result especially during rush hour, with an increase chance of accidents occurring.