
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44357

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Patrick Scaysbrooke

Representation Summary:

We don't want to lose our greenbelt. We would like to see our village stay as a village. Offchurch Road, through Cubbington is already a busy thoroughfare for traffic, without adding to it if access for the development is via Offchurch Road.

Flooding is also a big issue in this area. The area of land in question supports an array of wildlife - we don't want to lose it. Pressure would be put on local amenities and also the narrow roads leading through our village. Also we do not want to lose our view.

Full text:

We don't want to lose our greenbelt. We would like to see our village stay as a village. Offchurch Road, through Cubbington is already a busy thoroughfare for traffic, without adding to it if access for the development is via Offchurch Road.

Flooding is also a big issue in this area. The area of land in question supports an array of wildlife - we don't want to lose it. Pressure would be put on local amenities and also the narrow roads leading through our village. Also we do not want to lose our view.