
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44330

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: John Tunney

Representation Summary:

This is a designated Green Belt area which should be preserved to protect and maintain the quality of its immediate environment.

The impact on the quality of life in the adjacent neighborhoods would be wholly negative.

The road and transport infrastructure is already over stretched. The road surfaces are just adequate and would deteriorate with extra traffic. There are no major workplaces which are accessible without a journey by road. These journeys would damage the local infrastructure, over time, and contribute, immediately, to increased pollution. Congested traffic significantly increases the wasted, but harmful, fuel emissions.

Full text:

This is a designated Green Belt area which should be preserved to protect and maintain the quality of its immediate environment.
The impact on the quality of life in the adjacent neighborhoods would be wholly negative.
The road and transport infrastructure is already over stretched. Traffic congestion cause's delays to journeys in to and away from Leamington centre at peak times, particularly, 8am-9am and 3.30pm-5.30pm Monday - Friday. The road surfaces are only just adequate and would deteriorate with more traffic on them. There are no major employers or workplaces which are accessible without a journey by road. These journeys would damage the local infrastructure, over time, and contribute, immediately, to increased pollution adding to the threat of global warming due to unnecessary fuel emissions. Congested traffic significantly increases the wasted, but harmful, fuel emissions.