
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44321

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Brian Russell

Representation Summary:

Access to the development is non-existent and would create safety issues on narrow roads and with increased traffic on Cubbington Road. Traffic is already heavy at peak. Would lead to problems on roads not designed for heavy traffic.

Would Cubbington lose its village status?

The wildlife and birds would clearly lose their habitats.

The lack of facilities in Cubbington would make the area undesirable for low cost housing, leading to further pressure to develop into Green Belt Land.

Full text:

* Access to the proposed development is at present non-existent and would surely create huge safety issues both on narrow closes of Parklands Avenue and through The Crest and Mason Avenue, but also with increased traffic on Cubbington Road and the junctions from this. Traffic is already heavy at peak times and the new Tesco store has increased traffic at the junction at Crown Way. It appears likely that any further development of the roads would lead to existing roads being used as a cut through for traffic to Leamington again leading to safety problems on roads not designed for heavy traffic. Speed humps have already been put in to curb use and speed surely they cannot take more cars.
* Would Cubbington lose its village status with all these extra houses?
* The wildlife and birds would clearly lose their habitats, the badgers' setts and flying area for the red kite in particular.
* The distance from Leamington and lack of facilities in Cubbington would make the area undesirable for many low cost housing residents leading to further pressure to develop into designated Green Belt Land. This development would then exacerbate any initial traffic/safety problems in the future.
* I wish to formally register my strongest objections to any consideration of having this area re-designated from its current planning designation of agricultural land.