
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44319

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: B Holloway

Representation Summary:

This development needs another school and surgery, etc. The roads can't cope with current traffic levels.

There are flooding problems in the village at present, development only adds to the problem.

If this raiding of the green belt is approved, then the next step is to fill in housing between Offchurch and Cubbington.

On the proposed site there are colonies of protected species.

Tax costs always under scrutiny; it may be prohibitive cost wise.

The Green Belt across England has to be supported at all costs for the future if we are to retain our tradition and identity.

Full text:

This development needs another school and surgery, etc. The roads at Windmill Hill and Rugby Road can't cope with traffic levels at present.

There are major unknowns about the flooding problems in the village at present, this new development only adds to the problem.

If this raiding of the green belt is approved, then the next step is to fill in housing between Offchurch and Cubbington.

On the proposed site there are colonies of Great Crested Newts and Badgers, both protected species. While not impossible to bulldoze over these things, it is very costly legally and with Council.

Tax costs always under scrutiny; it may be prohibitive cost wise.

The Green Belt has to be supported at all costs for the future; England cannot be covered in bricks and mortar, if we are to retain our tradition and identity.