
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44318

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Adrian Parker

Representation Summary:

I object as the traffic is already congested and also there are a lot of badgers and wildlife that will die from their dens being moved as they have been protected since 1992. I also believe that this will flood the area very easily as it has already had a flood pool put in down the Cubbington road which will not cope with more floods. I think these are valid reasons and believe that the other areas are more adequate to cope with transport and flooding.

Full text:

I object as the traffic is already congested and also there are a lot of badgers and wildlife that will die from their dens being moved as they have been protected since 1992. I also believe that this will flood the area very easily as it has already had a flood pool put in down the Cubbington road which will not cope with more floods. I think these are valid reasons and believe that the other areas are more adequate to cope with transport and flooding.