
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44309

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D F Looney

Representation Summary:

This space is a vital green lung between the town and the village. It suffers flooding due to previous developments and inadequate provision for drainage.

As these options were submitted so late I think they should be rejected on principal.

There is also the problem of schools poor bus services.

Surely it would be better to concentrate on the already developed area of say Warwick Gates.

Many people, and relatives, chose to move to Cubbington Village for just that reason - it is a village. A small limited number of affordable houses attached to 'the village' could perhaps be allowed.

Full text:

This green space and the walks across it are the only off road walks in the area and a vital green lung between the sprawl of town and the peace of the village, which already suffers flooding due largely to previous developments and inadequate provision for drainage of underground springs etc in the area.

As these options were submitted by interested parties at such a late a date I also think they should be rejected on principal and not considered at this round of registration, nobody wants to be steamrollered into a sudden and possibly damaging decision we will all have to live with.

There is also the problem of schools, only 2 small infant schools in the immediate area, and a very poor bus service, which as with Chase Meadows could easily be withdrawn after initial promises, even if it were to be improved at a later date.

Surely it would be better to concentrate on the already developed area of say Warwick Gates and improve the schools and services for these areas for the people already committed to living there. Many people, and relatives, chose to move to Cubbington Village for just that reason - it is a village. A small limited number of ¾ bed houses could perhaps be allowed but I stress limited, and they need to be attached to 'the village' not New Cubbington to preserve the village as an entity. Probably a maximum of 30 houses and at an affordable price, not luxury spec builds.