
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44300

Received: 17/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Sheila Ireland

Representation Summary:

The area is prone to flooding. The area is bowl shaped and water retention is not helped by heavy clay. We have personal experience of subsidence and know only too well the hazards of heavy clay.

Any further demands on an already poor sewage system by such a large building development would be catastrophic.

There is already a congestion problem, the development would result in traffic saturation and possibly compulsory purchase orders on some unfortunate homes.

The area is greenbelt land, productive farmland that supports wildlife.

This site would produce more people travelling south and west for all essential journeys.

Full text:

The area is prone to flooding. This has already happened in the Oakridge Road/ Parklands Ave and is a regular occurrence in the area off Offchurch Road, abutting the sire. The area is bowl shaped and water retention is not helped by a cap of heavy clay. We have personal experience of subsidence and know only too well the hazards of building on heavy clay.

Any further demands on an already poor sewage system by such a large building development would be catastrophic.

There is already a congestion problem, at the junction of Parklands Ave/ Cubbington Road. The proposed access onto the new development from minor roads off Parklands Avenue is inadequate in every road designated. This would result in traffic saturation and possibly compulsory purchase orders being served on some unfortunate homes.

We moved here in 1965. The area designated has been for all that period, productive farmland, also supporting wildlife. If greenbelt land is encroached upon in this instance, it is the thin edge of a developmentally driven wedge.

We have one doctor's surgery in this ward. The only employer of consequence is Thwaites. The result is that, if developed, this site would produce possibly 4000 people need to travel south and west for all essential journeys, through Leamington and towards Warwick.