
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44288

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: G W Robinson

Representation Summary:

The current road infrastructure would not be able to cope with such increase in traffic.
Increased through traffic will exacerbate the danger to pedestrians.

The M40 and facilities are on opposite side of town.

Congestion would increase pollution.

Flooding has been a problem in the area which development would exacerbate.

Development would have a severe impact upon green-belt and wildlife including our greatly valued footpaths.

Any further development would be an erosion of village life and local community identity. Development would link Lillington to Cubbington would which would be detrimental to the area.

If critical mass is exceeded low crime rates would be compromised.

Full text:

In my opinion Cubbington is the wrong location for development of this size for the following reasons:
* Traffic dissipation to and from the area:
The current road infrastructure would not be able to cope with such increase in traffic, all routes to and from this proposed site are class 4 ranked roads (30 mph maximum). Local residents and council have campaigned to have speed limits reduced throughout this area and would not welcome the introduction of higher speed roads in order to dissipate traffic to and from the area.
* Near to St. Teresa's school further methods of traffic calming should be introduced and speed should be further reduced to 20 mph within the vicinity of the school.
* Increased through traffic will exacerbate the problem of speeding traffic and danger to pedestrians in particular children and the elderly especially at peak times approaching local schools and on Rugby road.
* Access to M40 motorway, employment and main shopping areas are all on opposite side of town, which means travelling across Leamington town for these facilities etc.
* Slow moving, queueing and stationary traffic would significantly increase air (and noise) pollution with increased danger to local residents (particularly children's sensitive immune systems which are more vulnerable) of developing respiratory ailments asthma and illnesses such as heart disease and stroke. The air in the area is relatively clean compared to typical city and other areas of the country which are densely populated, and so suffer what we are thus far spared.
* Flooding
For as long has I have lived in Cubbington (30 + years) this has been a problem for parts of the village. Further development of the area will only exacerbate the problem resulting in an increased number of properties being affected.
General climate change is believed to be the cause of more winter snow, and rainfall during summer months with flash flooding more likely and more frequent and a greater number of homes becoming affected.
* Footpaths
Majority of villagers choose to live in Cubbington in order to enjoy the rural surroundings, able to take a walk without the need to drive a vehicle in order to escape town/city/urban area.
This proposed development would have a severe impact upon green-belt and wildlife in the area including our greatly valued footpaths and bridleways.
* Critical mass
Cubbington is nearing a point where any further development would be an erosion of village life and local community identity, communities like Cubbington should be preserved. A development of the proposed scale linking Leamington/Lillington and Cubbington would create an Urban sprawl which would be detrimental to the whole area and an irreversible loss to all.
* Policing
Crime rate and anti-social behavior for the area in my opinion remains relatively low in comparison, however I feel this would be compromised once this critical mass is exceeded. Government planned Core Strategy along with conflicting Government cuts will have a profound impact upon ppolice forces who already face having to reduce numbers of front line staff to meet efficiency savings targets at a time when crime levels are expected to rise amid the recession, raising fears of fewer officers on the streets not more which sadly would be required.