
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44278

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Kerry Booth

Representation Summary:

Roads are already congested and dangerous, which would be made significantly worse, and there is little that can be to improve this congestion. Also, problems traversing across town to reach facilities to the South.

Cubbington suffers from a severe flooding problem. This would be exacerbated by development.

Greenbelt areas should remain. Greenbelt land should not be considered when there are brownfield sites on offer.

Cubbington should remain a village. The new development will link Cubbington to Lillington and it would lose its village community.

Wildlife in the land would be completely destroyed. Residents and tourists enjoy the landscape and nature.

Full text:

I whole heartedly object to the Glebe Farm development for many important reasons:
* There would be a huge problem with traffic congestion. Rugby Road/Cubbington Road is already a busy road, (where there have been several fatal accidents) and the current traffic hotspots would be made significantly worse - namely the mini roundabout at the top of Windmill Lane and the traffic lights on Cubbington Road at the junction of Telford Avenue and Parklands. There is very little that can be done to alter these roads to improve this congestion, so the local residents and others who use this road on a daily basis will suffer.
* Heavy traffic that will inevitably have to traverse across town to reach retailers and employment.
* Cubbington suffers from a severe flooding problem, especially those at the bottom of Windmill Hill. This would be made worse by a large housing development and due to the heavy clay subsoil, there is very little that could be done to prevent it worsening.
* I feel very strongly indeed that Greenbelt areas should remain green spaces. I appreciate that there must be new housing to be built in order to accommodate our growing population, however, the original preferred sites as previously proposed by the council will accommodate these houses. As these areas of land are not Greenbelt, they must be given priority - Greenbelt land should not be considered when there are brownfield and Greenfield sites on offer.
* I also feel extremely strongly that Cubbington should remain a village. The new development will link Cubbington to Lillington and it would loose its village community. If anything has come out of this consultation, it has proved just how strong a village community we are and we feel very proud of our village and our historical roots.
* Wildlife in the land would be completely destroyed. We have seen a heron in our tree in our garden and often see bats at dusk and many different species of birds. It is not only local people who enjoy walking on the footpaths in the fields, people come from miles around to walk and enjoy the landscape and nature.