
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44267

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Janice Thornton

Representation Summary:

Encroachment of the urban sprawl. The loss of the attractive landscape and well established footpaths.

Unacceptable impact to local wildlife and the light pollution obliterating the night sky

Cubbington village will lose its special character

The surrounding road infrastructure is not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic; local junctions are already congested and dangerous.

The surrounding clay soil makes Cubbington prone to flooding. If building goes ahead this could change and subject the area to more serious and frequent flooding.

The local schools and doctor surgeries will be unable to cope.

Full text:

I object to the encroachment of the urban sprawl into the countryside, the loss of the attractive landscape and well established footpaths.

The unacceptable impact to local wildlife and the light pollution obliterating the night sky

Cubbington village will be swallowed up losing its special character

The surrounding road infrastructure is not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic. Local junctions already become congested during peak times; these will become overwhelmed and increase the risk of accident.

The surrounding clay soil is impervious making the site prone to flooding, Cubbington already experiences serious flooding. The areas around Parklands Av and Oakridge Rd also flood, albeit to a lesser extent, but if building goes ahead this could change and subject the area to more serious and frequent flooding.

The local schools and doctor surgeries will be unable to cope