
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44263

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Raymond Bullen

Representation Summary:

The entire site is not appropriate for full development. The eastern part adjacent to Lillington is on a ridge. This forms the natural boundary to any extension of Lillington. However, a western extension to Cubbington is possible and will present minimal visual impact owing to the topography. The north-eastern 13.5ha would be suitable for up to 500 homes as shown below but with corrected area and number of homes. Of course, any such development would be expected to provide flood alleviation measures as part of the S106 agreement.

Full text:

The entire site is not appropriate for full development. The eastern part adjacent to Lillington is on a ridge. This forms the natural boundary to any extension of Lillington. However, a western extension to Cubbington is possible and will present minimal visual impact owing to the topography. The north-eastern 13.5ha would be suitable for up to 500 homes as shown below but with corrected area and number of homes. Of course, any such development would be expected to provide flood alleviation measures as part of the S106 agreement.