
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44257

Received: 11/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs P H Page

Representation Summary:

We already suffer from flooding at the corner of Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill when it rains heavily. It comes into houses and front and back gardens. If all the fields opposite are covered with concrete and tarmac we think it will increase the problem.

With badger setts in some of the fields it will ruin the wildlife by building everywhere, and the loss of well used paths.

Offchurch Road is very busy during morning and evening rush hours so having traffic entering and exiting the site would cause a problem in our opinion.

Full text:

We already suffer from flooding at the corner of Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill when it rains heavily. It comes into houses and front and back gardens. If all the fields opposite are covered with concrete and tarmac we think it will increase the problem.

With badger setts in some of the fields it will ruin the wildlife by building everywhere, and the loss of well used paths.

Offchurch Road is very busy during morning and evening rush hours so having traffic entering and exiting the site would cause a problem in our opinion.