
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44253

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Kenneth C Tearne

Representation Summary:

The reason I object to this expansion of housing is the flood problems in the village this still ongoing and these houses being put onto the sewage system of the village will cause more flooding. Having worked for Severn Trent for 33 years on sewage I know the pumping station by Thwaites will not take any more flow due to the twin mains unable to take any more flow. Please check with Severn Trent.

Full text:

The reason I object to this expansion of housing is the flood problems in the village this still ongoing and these houses being put onto the sewage system of the village will cause more flooding. Having worked for Severn Trent for 33 years on sewage I know the pumping station by Thwaites will not take any more flow due to the twin mains unable to take any more flow. Please check with Severn Trent.