
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44244

Received: 12/03/2010

Respondent: Charles & Angela Whitworth

Representation Summary:

It would encroach on to designated Green Belt land and result in the loss of good agricultural land.

The existing open space between Lillington and Cubbington should be protected to prevent urban sprawl and maintain the separate identity of Cubbington.

The development would overload the existing road infrastructure, both the local roads and the arterial ones. There is the likelihood of increased delays/ collisions at key junctions.

There would be a significant increase in cross town traffics and in local congestions in Cubbington/ Lillington as a result. Local services would be severely strained.

Full text:

We object to the proposed development for the following reasons:

It would encroach on to designated Green Belt land. It would result in the loss of good agricultural land. There are other sites in the district not designated as green belt that are more suitable for new housing.

The existing open space between Lillington and Cubbington village would be largely lost. The space should be protected to prevent urban sprawl and maintain the separate identity of Cubbington.

The proposed access points to the site would overload the existing road infrastructure. These roads were built as estate roads and are not suitable for through traffic.

The increased local traffic generated from the proposed estate would put extra pressure on the local arterial roads. There is the likelihood of increased delays/ collisions at key junctions such as Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington roads.

There would be a significant increase in cross town traffics and in local congestions in Cubbington/ Lillington as a result. Food shopping and employment opportunities are mainly to the south of the town. Local services (doctor's surgeries/ schools) would be severely strained.