
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44241

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Sean Lonergan

Representation Summary:

The local road infrastructure isn't good and the development will clog the existing system and will increase accidents. One can only imagine the traffic queues into town in the morning. Cubbington village has suffered recent flooding - no risk assessment has been carried out to determine how this development could affect this re-occurring but it can only make it much more likely. Education facilities would be put under huge stress making the likelihood of further development for schooling a necessity. The land links to Newbold Comyn and is used by many people and is home to flora, fauna and wildlife.

Full text:

The local road infrastructure isn't good even now and the tributary roads into the proposed development will completely clog the existing system. Windmill Hill roundabout is already a bottle neck and with the adjacent school, this proposal seriously risks accidents - to children especially. The exit from Parklands Avenue will be just as bad and one can only imagine the traffic queues into town in the morning. Cubbington village has suffered recent flooding - no risk assessment has been carried out to determine how this development could affect this re-occurring but it can only make it much more likely. Education facilities in Cubbington would be put under huge stress making the likelihood of further development for schooling a necessity. The land in question links to Newbold Comyn and is used by many walkers, runners, mountain bikers & pleasure seekers - that facility would disappear with this housing development along with the flora, fauna and wildlife. This alone is worth preserving for the enjoyment of current and future Leamington residents. Green space with aspects like this is surely what the local council should be striving to preserve.