
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44234

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Lynn Ambrose

Representation Summary:

It will destroy village life; it will just be a sprawl of houses. Wildlife will suffer, badgers, great crested newts, these are protected. Flooding will be made worse because of the clay sub soil and the antiquated sewer system that cannot manage now. The schools and the doctors will be overloaded. The congestion in the village and surrounding roads will be made worse. The narrow roads cannot take the strain of more traffic. It will be more dangerous for the children who go to school in the village and especially those who go to Our Lady of St. Teresa's.

Full text:

Building on this site will destroy village life; it will just be a sprawl of houses. Wildlife will suffer, badgers, great crested newts, these are protected. Flooding will be made worse because of the clay sub soil and the antiquated sewer system that cannot manage now. The schools and the doctors will be overloaded. The congestion in the village and surrounding roads will be made worse. The narrow roads cannot take the strain of more traffic. It will be more dangerous for the children who go to school in the village and especially those who go to Our Lady of St. Teresa's.