
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44066

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Charles Evans

Representation Summary:

I object to this development on the grounds of flood risk, social and ecological costs, potential lack of appropriate schooling and the fact that the increased traffic will stress the existing infrastructure. The combination of these will change the village of Cubbington irreversibly.

Full text:

I object to this for several reasons.
* Firstly and I think of greatest importance is the fact that there has been flooding in recent years within the village of Cubbington causing serious damage to people's homes and day to day lives for a considerable length of time. The covering of fields with houses and roads will cause greater run-off of rainwater exacerbating the issue.
* Schools - There are a number of schools in the area, however depending on the number of houses built there could be an issue with overcrowding as there is in the South of the town due to Warwick gates. The fact that there is excess space at the moment does not make me confident that there will be capacity to accommodate all the needs that will arise.
* This land is green belt and a leisure space at present. It would cause both environmental damage to the ecology of the local area and social damage to the area as a result of destruction of green spaces and an important leisure facility through the use of footpaths.
*Traffic - There is already an issue with traffic relating to the schools in the area that cause tailbacks, this will be compounded by increased housing and the restricted access to the available land.