
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44064

Received: 21/03/2010

Respondent: Paul Gresko

Representation Summary:

The green belt between Lillington & Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington Spa, it safeguards the countryside from encroachment & maintains the two distinct communities. If not protected, village life as we know it will be gone forever.

Building on green belt land would have a huge & devastating impact upon the wildlife.

The increase in traffic would be horrendous too. The traffic thundering along Offchurch Road now is bad enough & it would increase fourfold causing chaos, noise, pollution & danger to village life.

The peace & quiet & tranquillity of village life would disappear.

Full text:

The green belt between Lillington & Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, it safeguards the countryside from encroachment & maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington & Cubbington village. If not protected, village life as we know it will be gone forever.
The building of houses on this green belt land would have a huge & devastating impact upon the wildlife in this area. This proposed plan would destroy the wildlife beyond compare & would never recover. We need to protect & nurture what wildlife we have left which is diminishing already.
Not only would this plan destroy the village of Cubbington & Offchurch & wildlife within it the increase in traffic would be horrendous too.
The traffic thundering along Offchurch Road now is bad enough & it would increase fourfold causing chaos, noise, pollution & danger to village life. The peace & quiet & tranquillity of village life would disappear & apart of England would go with it.
The reasons for me moving to this area was for the countryside walks, views, wildlife, village life & peace & quiet & all this will be lost if the proposed plan goes ahead. I am opposed to this proposed new development at Glebe farm!