
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44054

Received: 31/03/2010

Respondent: John & Gillian Hillyard

Representation Summary:

The impact of traffic on surrounding roads would be unbearable and at peak times would bring chaos to the surrounding areas.

The rainwater runoff would exacerbate the unresolved flooding problems in the area.

The development would destroy Cubbington as a village making it another part of the Leamington urban sprawl.

The proposed land is productively farmed. For the sake of future generations productive land should not be covered with concrete.

The area support wildlife species. Their habitat needs to be protected.

Full text:

If the proposed site is developed the impact of traffic on surrounding roads would be unbearable and at peak times would bring chaos to Cubbington, Offchurch, Lillington and Leamington Spa.

The rainwater runoff would exacerbate the unresolved flooding problems in Cubbington and surrounding area.

The development of this site would destroy Cubbington as a village making it another part of the Leamington Urban Sprawl. Although Cubbington is not a pretty English village the residents regard it as a village and have created a caring society.

The proposed land is productively farmed. As a nation we are regularly warned about food security in an ever increasing world population. For the sake of our children and grandchildren productive land should not be covered with concrete.

The area support wildlife species. We have seen foxes, badgers, woodpeckers, sparrow hawks, sky larks, field fares as well as the more common bird variety. Their habitat needs to be protected.