
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44053

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Anna Hyde

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the proposed development at Glebe Farm, Cubbington, because:
1. We should protect our green areas - this is a beautiful area with lots of wildlife, and building on it would ruin it.
2. The Parklands Avenue/Cubbington Road/Telford Avenue junction is already busy enough at peak times without adding more traffic, particularly as this is one of the main crossing points for children going to Telford schools from this side of the Cubbington Road.
3. Risk of flooding to Cubbington

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposed development at Glebe Farm, Cubbington, because:
1. We should protect our green areas - this is a beautiful area with lots of wildlife, and building on it would ruin it.
2. The Parklands Avenue/Cubbington Road/Telford Avenue junction is already busy enough at peak times without adding more traffic, particularly as this is one of the main crossing points for children going to Telford schools from this side of the Cubbington Road.
3. Risk of flooding to Cubbington