
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44044

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr K Coleman

Representation Summary:

After losing all our belongings and damage to our property and nothing being done to stop the flooding problem any further development will only worsen the problems with the rainwater and sewage problems.

The clearly defined green belt boundary should not be breached.

Any access onto the Welsh Road will be a very dangerous problem and cause disruption to Cubbington Residents.

Cubbington should not lose its identity as a village. This is what England is all about, villages, hamlets etc.

Developments like this are not to the advantage of the village people, only big money for developers, landowners and extra revenue for the council.

Full text:

After losing all our belongings and damage to our property and nothing being done to stop the flooding problem any further development will only worsen the problems with the rainwater and sewage problems.

The clearly defined green belt boundary should not be breached.

Any access onto the Welsh Road will be a very dangerous problem and cause disruption to Cubbington Residents.

Cubbington should not lose its identity as a village. This is what England is all about, villages, hamlets etc.

Developments like this are not to the advantage of the village people, only big money for developers, landowners and extra revenue for the council.