
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44039

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Daniel Badcock

Representation Summary:

This development will impact upon the quality of my life and my residential amenity. This development will detract from enjoyment of the footpath and landscape.

The significant adverse impact would not be outweighed by the small number of homes developed on only 52.5 hectares of greenbelt land

Cubbington and Lillington have very different local characters. Linking the two would cause local harm. Existing infrastructure would be over-stressed and the new development would struggle to be sustainable.

There are clearly more appropriate alternative sites available.

Full text:

This development will impact upon the quality of my life and my residential amenity. This development will detract from enjoyment of the footpath and landscape.

The significant adverse impact would not be outweighed by the small number of homes developed on only 52.5 hectares of greenbelt land

Cubbington and Lillington have very different local characters. Linking the two would cause local harm. Existing infrastructure would be over-stressed and the new development would struggle to be sustainable.

There are clearly more appropriate alternative sites available.