
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44035

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mandy Griffin

Representation Summary:

Residents in the area made their choice to live there.

This green belt land is part of the choice. It offers pathways healthy walks and awareness of nature. All sorts of wildlife live there.

I am very worried about the overload on schools. The existing schools and doctors are good and sufficient. Change is not necessary.

I am also very worried about traffic increase. The Windmill Hill is already a notorious accident spot and travel from Cubbington Road to Leamington would be even more overloaded at rush hour.

This area has a good sense of community and should keep its own identity.

Full text:

I live in this area and have great concerns.

People who live in the area obviously looked what the area has to offer and then made their choice to live there.

This green belt land is part of the choice. It offers pathways healthy walks and awareness of nature for everyone especially children. All sorts of wildlife can be seen there, which should be protected.

I have children and I am very worried about the overload on schools. The existing schools are very good and sufficient. Change is not necessary. The same applies for Doctors.

I am also very worried about traffic increase. The Windmill Hill is already a notorious accident nightmare spot and travel from Cubbington Road to Leamington would be even more overloaded at rush hour (leading to even more people trying to divert to Leicester Lane).

This general area has a good sense of community and does not need to be invaded and Cubbington should keep its own identity.