
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44033

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mr and Mrs M Calvert

Representation Summary:

The increased traffic would cause congestion and problems for school children. The roads were NOT built to take that sort of traffic through cul-de-sac roads that have been opened up.

Cubbington should remain as a village and greenbelt land should not be built on.

Also the structure of the soil is totally unsuitable for building and would cause flooding down in Cubbington.

Full text:

The increased traffic would cause congestion and problems for school children. The roads were NOT built to take that sort of traffic through cul-de-sac roads that have been opened up.

Cubbington should remain as a village and greenbelt land should not be built on.

Also the structure of the soil is totally unsuitable for building and would cause flooding down in Cubbington.