
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44032

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Karen Hoyte

Representation Summary:

Protection of rural land and of the prestigous village status - Cubbington will no longer be classed as a village. Proposed development will dwarf existing village.With such a large proposed development a greater network of facilities/amenities/commerciality will need to also be added which will further add traffic and populisation. There will be increased traffic getting in and out of area and there are currently insufficient transport road links to support this.

Full text:

Protection of rural land and of the prestigous village status - Cubbington will no longer be classed as a village. Proposed development will dwarf existing village.With such a large proposed development a greater network of facilities/amenities/commerciality will need to also be added which will further add traffic and populisation. There will be increased traffic getting in and out of area and there are currently insufficient transport road links to support this.