
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44030

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: Mark Allen

Representation Summary:

Other identified sites can all be developed without encroaching on greenbelt.

The only people who think this is a good idea will undoubtedly be the current land owners who are motivated purely by personal profit.

The greenbelt is enjoyed by huge numbers of local people and is the reason people came to live in this area.

The local roads, drainage, schools etc are quite clearly incapable of coping with the extra strain of such a huge development.

The area is home to huge numbers of badgers which are a protected species.

Full text:

The council has already identified the sites necessary to meet its housing commitments and those sites can all be developed without encroaching on greenbelt which has for many years been held as sacrosanct: there is therefore no need for this part of the country (Warwickshire) to build on greenbelt. The only people who think this is a good idea will undoubtedly be the current land owners who are motivated purely by personal profit. I understand that the landowners of the Glebe Farm site are trustees (or similar) of a number of private schools: whilst I understand that the nature of their business may not be a planning matter, it does not seem at all appropriate that such an organisation be party to the ruination of a large tract of our countryside. It is enjoyed by huge numbers of local people both as a visual amenity and as an area for walking. It is the reason very many people came to live in this area in the first place, safe in the knowledge that the amenity would be protected as green belt. The government allowance for green belt to be considered for development is very regrettable, but in this case it is clearly and absolutely not necessary.

Aside from the above the local roads, drainage, schools etc are quite clearly incapable of coping with the extra strain of such a huge development.

The area is home to huge numbers of badgers which are a protected species.

There is no need to develop Glebe Farm.