
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44029

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: John Blackmore

Representation Summary:

As a victim of the well documented flooding of Cubbington in 2007, and as no actual work has yet started on proposed alleviation despite many meetings, I live in fear of history repeating itself. The existing sewers and drains are inadequate and to build an even larger estate on higher ground as outlined by the Glebe Farm proposal will turn the possibility of flooding into a certainty!!

Existing rush hour traffic chaos will ensue on Windmill Hill and Rugby Road with new exit roads from the development.

This area is greenbelt and must remain so.

Full text:

As a victim of the well documented flooding of Cubbington in 2007, and as no actual work has yet started on proposed alleviation despite many meetings, I live in fear of history repeating itself. The existing sewers and drains are inadequate and to build an even larger estate on higher ground as outlined by the Glebe Farm proposal will turn the possibility of flooding into a certainty!!

Existing rush hour traffic chaos will ensue on Windmill Hill and Rugby Road with new exit roads from the development.

This area is greenbelt and must remain so.