
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44024

Received: 21/03/2010

Respondent: Lynn Plane

Representation Summary:

Residents have paid house prices that reflect the village status and the surrounding countryside - if this is not protected, village life will be gone forever.

The environmental impact would be huge.

Such a small space cannot cope with the increases in traffic that this development will inevitably cause - there is already an accident black spot at the Windmill Hill roundabout.

Services are already at full capacity; we cannot have these services stretched.

This building development will worsen the existing flooding problem.

Full text:

Cubbington is a village and current residents have paid house prices that reflect the village status and the surrounding countryside - if this is not protected, village life will be gone forever. The environmental impact would be huge and totally unacceptable.
Such a small space cannot cope with the increases in traffic that this development will inevitably cause - there is already an accident black spot at the Windmill Hill roundabout with the current level of traffic.
Where are all the children going to go to school? Which doctors surgeries are the new residents going to attend? These services are already at full capacity; we cannot have these services stretched.
This building development will worsen the existing flooding problem.